

Response Ability Responsibility Leigh Chantelle
It's been a challenging year, correct? No matter what has been going on for you and those around you, I assure you that EVERYONE has had some big challenges this year. Whether it's floods, fire, (famine!), COVID, family health or deaths, wars, cari...

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Leigh chantelles Favourite Music for 2022
Another year of some great music. Other than all the Afro-pop songs I've been listening to, here are my favourite albums of 2022. (I've listed them in lettering format this year as I am in the midst of collating transcriptions for my PhD focus gro...

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Modelling Digital Wellness
Here's the video & slides for the Modelling Digital Wellness class I gave on Saturday for Amanda Rootsey's Shine From Within online academy for teens! Watch on YouTube and view slides on SlideShare.

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Young childrens interactions with a social robot during a drawing task
My first article has been published from my honours thesis that looked at how preschoolers engage with a social robot (NAO) vs a human instructor. "Young children’s interactions with a social robot during a drawing task" published in the Europea...

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resize Join our AV Research LC GriffithUni
As some of you know, I am looking at the benefits and challenges of the rollout of autonomous vehicles (AV) in Australia for my PhD research. Please see the poster and the link for more information and to get involved. I am looking to interview:â...

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Bagby Digital wellness report 2022
Bagby has released their latest Digital Wellness Collaborative Report which features me and other top Digital Wellness experts from across the world. Check it out online or SlideShare

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Here is some lettering I did for a quote from an article I read by April Elliott Kent this week.

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Here's a poem I wrote this week about Mum passing - featuring my lettering. We are all taking things day by day...

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Perfect is Good. Done is Better. Leigh Chantelle
1 year into my PhD and my confirmation presentation was approved yesterday! Even with Mum’s passing, I ticked this milestone off my list. I am VERY proud of myself as you can imagine things have been intense since xmas... Even though my write-up ...

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GwensCelebrationOfLife Reminder copy
After 12 days in ICU, my Mum passed away on Tuesday. Please read the writeup in the attached images or see the Facebook post for more information.

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Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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