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Zac Anstee is an IT Managing consultant by day and athlete by night. He grew up with sand and surf, as a nipper and then surf lifesaver, who always had a love for water, the fitness side of it was just a bonus.  Now fitness, with the addition of food is an important part of his overall wellbeing. His job is often very stressful, with long days - not to mention business trips away. With everything in life, there has to be a balance. It’s important for Zac to manage his work responsibilities with training, and of course keeping a happy home - and wife! When he’s not working or training, Zac enjoys spending time in the kitchen and watching motor sports.
Why Vegan?
How and why did you decide to become a vegan?
Was vegetarian for 10 years, and through learning and experience, I decided a completely animal-free diet aligned with my ethos towards anti-animal cruelty. 
How long have you been vegan?
Over two years.
What has benefited you the most from being a vegan?
Mental wellbeing.
What does veganism mean to you?
An animal-free diet.
What sort of training do you do?
Cross train due to triathlon goals: swim, ride, run, stretch.
How often do you (need to) train?
Approximately 10-12 hours per week.
Do you offer your fitness or training services to others?
No, my only training is to motivate by example.
What sports do you play?
Strengths, Weaknesses & Outside Influences
What do you think is the biggest misconception about vegans and how do you address this?
That we eat nothing but carrots and lettuce! I just explain to people what I ate last night which no doubt was a delicious meal. This helps people understand further what is served up on my dinner plate.
What are you strengths as a vegan athlete?
Quick recovery.
What is your biggest challenge?
I travel interstate for work, which can be difficult to find clean healthy food. This can be particularly challenging when with a group of work colleagues who all want to eat out together, and there are not many restaurants to choose from other than a streak house & Nandos.
Are the non-vegans in your industry supportive or not?
Yes, mostly curious.
Are your family and friends supportive of your vegan lifestyle?
What is the most common question/comment that people ask/say when they find out that you are a vegan and how do you respond?
“Where do you get your protein?” Often I explain we don't need much protein (0.8g per body weight kg) and that even our greens contain some levels of protein. I
use big animals such as cows as an example of getting enough protein even from grass.
Who or what motivates you?
My wife (Amanda Meggison, who runs Tarian Pantry), she is a huge source of information about good healthy living and eating.
Food & Supplements
What do you eat for:
Breakfast – Porridge.
Lunch - Beans and rice, pasta, noodles.
Dinner – Curries, pasta, salads, pizza, Mexican food.
Snacks (healthy & not-so healthy) - Bliss balls, fruit, home made bars.
What is your favourite source of:
Protein - Tofu and tempeh (served with a satay sauce, yum.)
Calcium - Walnuts and broccoli. 
Iron - Kale and spinach.
What foods give you the most energy?
Anything with high carbohydrates: potatoes, pasta, rice.
Do you take any supplements?
B12 oral spray.
What is your top tip for:
Gaining muscle - Pump iron.
Losing weight - Run and eat well.
Maintaining weight - Eat well.
Improving metabolism - Eat well.
Toning up - Join a triathlon club!
How do you promote veganism in your daily life?
I don't stuff it down people’s throats. If they find out I am vegan and ask me why, I answer their questions without trying to push my morals or views. The main way I promote veganism is through leading by example.
How would you suggest people get involved with what you do?
Go straight to Tarian Pantry and explore the wealth of information. 
Stay tuned for upcoming interviews with other Vegan Athletes, Fitness Fanatics and Exercise Enthusiasts by Subscribing via RSS.
The Book is Coming Soon!
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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