- 21 February 2013
My South East Asia adventures have come to a close. I had a wonderful time and met some amazing people. Even though I hadn't planned to, I was involved in a lot of vegan activism, outreach, food demos and talks - my friends would say, "of course!"
I thought I'd share with you some of the press that was published in Indonesia. (Click on the photos to view on FaceBook in high resolution)
This photo is of me with Metropolis - Magelang Express newspaper on December 17 where an article about myself, my work and my book was on the front cover!
And this was the Metropolis - Magelang Express article, sorry, Cover Story:
Also on the same day, the Radar Jogja from Yogjakarta had an article:
The same day and from Yogyakarta was the (Harian Pagi) Tribun Jogja article:
On the 18 December, the nation-wide Kompas website published their interview with me:
Click on the article to view the article online. It was a really great interview and there's a Female Kompas website where the same article was also posted. You can use Google Translate to translate the Bahasa Indonesian article into English (or another language) - just copy the text from the article and paste into Google Translate.
On 19 December there were a few more articles from the same day of interviews. Starting with an article from Suara Kedu:
On 20 December there was an article from Warta Jateng:
The Magelang Express article:
I was in Surabaya, Java for the HELVI Expo where I participated in attempting a world record of making over 100 metres (0.062 miles) of tempe (tempeh.) There was also over 100 tempe dishes made for the event. We had some great media coverage including this article on December 23 by Jawa Pos Newspaper:
More photos from the HELVI Expo & more tempeh dishes photos.
I was in Bali, Indonesia for the rest of my adventures, where I was one of the speakers in a vegan event at Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar. The Bali Post (Senin Paing) did an article a few days later on January 28:
And on 1 February this article appeared in Fajar Bali:
I hope you like reading the articles (if you can speak/read Bahasa Indonesian), if not, I hope you liked the photos!
If you see anymore that I haven't listed above, please contact me.
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.
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