- 08 October 2020
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Here's a profile Griffith Health (part of Griffith University) did on me recently about studying my Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) as a stepping stone to a career in cyberpsychology.
It covers studying a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) as the first step towards my goal of being a lecturer in cyberpsychology, why this interests me, my uni crew, and tips for staying focused especially as a mature aged student.
Read the original profile here
See more of the professional photos for this profile in my Gallery (with more to come)
Here's a profile Griffith Health (part of Griffith University) did on me recently about studying my Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) as a stepping stone to a career in cyberpsychology.
It covers studying a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) as the first step towards my goal of being a lecturer in cyberpsychology, why this interests me, my uni crew, and tips for staying focused especially as a mature aged student.
Read the original profile here.
See more of the professional photos for this profile in my Gallery (with more to come)
A stepping stone to a career in cyberpsychology
Before studying at Griffith, Leigh-Chantelle built a career in marketing, consulting, and increasing awareness for veganism, with a variety of roles that took her around the world. In 2020, she will graduate with a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), a degree that will help her discover her new-found passion for cyberpsychology, digital wellbeing, and digital communication.
Leigh-Chantelle was drawn to Griffith University for a variety of reasons, from the ability to start studying in the third trimester, to the nearby student village, to the wonderful lifestyle available on the Gold Coast. Her reasons for choosing psychology are based on years of travel and life-experience she gained through many international work opportunities.
“Travel can be transformative, and when I was in Europe in 2017 a friend asked me “what would you be doing if the world was already vegan?” which blew my mind and made me reassess two decades of my activism and volunteering work. I feel I have come back to where I was meant to be originally in studying psychology,” Leigh-Chantelle explains.
“I’m hoping to build a career in cyberpsychology as it combines two of my favourite things: technology and looking into why we behave, think, and feel certain ways. We are only beginning to see how new social practices have changed the way we interact and communicate with each other, and what we share about ourselves.
“I find it fascinating that we rely on technologies designed to addict us and amplify our attention. This impacts the things we buy, the content we consume, and even the way we vote in elections. There are so many potential consequences and impacts on our society that started with a handful of technology innovators, and I’m driven to understand this behaviour from a psychological perspective. I hope to continue through study until I can become a university lecturer myself, to help bring cyberpsychology into the mainstream.”
As a final-year student, Leigh-Chantelle has advice to those just starting on how to get through university – unsurprisingly, this ties closely to human interaction.
“It has been great for me to be friends with different types of people who have different interests, beliefs, and passions than me. On Orientation day, I met my “uni crew” and we have been tight ever since. We would not have been able to get through the past three years without each other’s support, feedback, encouragement, and most of all friendship,” she explains.
It can be daunting to start or go back to studying. Leigh-Chantelle suggests time-energy management, schedules, and physical activities to help manage your requirements and stay on top of your mental and physical health.
“I’ve worked from home and worked while travelling in the past, so I knew going into study that I would need to find a way to organise my schedule. Once the assessments are live on my upcoming courses, I break things up into monthly, weekly, and daily to-do lists, and focus on one major goal per day along with at least another small one. I’ve been doing this for most of the decade now and it was a great move to apply that to study!
“Sometimes when I get too immersed in the university world, I have to remember to get outside more and do more physical activities. I like to start the day with ocean swims, Pilates, or yoga, and then get into my day. I am also very health-conscious, so starting and keeping good health and fitness goals is important for my mental and physical health.”
Leigh-Chantelle says that coming to university as a mature-aged student comes with the benefit of already understanding a lot about yourself and how you work, learn, and manage competing priorities. She believes this has helped her get through the harder elements of study and ultimately help her towards attaining her goal of university lecturer.
“As a mature-aged student, it was great to be able to start with the summer trimester and be able to complete my undergraduate studies in three years instead of four – but it is a lot of work. Single-minded focus was essential for me,” she explains.
“It was hard at times, but I gave up all my volunteering and activism to focus on my studies. The student life can be a struggle especially the lack of consistent income and lack of travel that I was used to, but the benefits outweigh that. Keep your long-term goals in mind and work out what you need to give up to get where you want to go.
Being able to know your strengths and ask for help is essential when learning something new. Leigh-Chantelle does not let small obstacles get in the way of her major goals, instead uses them as motivation.
“My life has always been goal-focused, and I work day-by-day, piece-by-piece to achieve them. I also do not ascribe to mainstream ideas of failure as I think if you learn any lesson, you can gain something worthwhile from the experience. If I do not achieve a certain indicator of success, it acts as extra motivation.
“I learned a long time ago that there’s nothing to fear in asking others for help when I do not understand something. I have my uni crew to bounce ideas off of – we all have different passions and expertise so we can learn from each other – but I also have had great help from my tutors and have good relationships with most of our cohort and lecturers.
“I’m thankful that I was able to connect with great people on orientation day and continue to develop these friendships over the past three years. I also made sure that I was involved in the Griffith Psychology and Counselling Association at the Gold Coast for their educational and social events. Their end of year Gatsby-themed event last year was so much fun!”
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.
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2021 February
- The Generator launches Your Life Your Planet featuring Leigh-Chantelle
- An Overview of Being Vegan in 2021 with Leigh-Chantelle of Viva la Vegan!
- Introduction to Cyberpsychology, Digital Wellness, and Digital Equilibrium by Leigh-Chantelle
- Finding Balance with Technology in our Always-On Culture with Leigh-Chantelle
2021 January
2020 December
- Digital Wellness Institute presentation on Digital Wellness & Digital Equilibrium by Leigh-Chantelle
- Music Monday: Leigh-Chantelle's Favourite Music for 2020
- Music Monday: Leigh-Chantelle's Favourite Songs for 2020
- Book Review: Cheat the Not-So Subtle Art of Conning Your Way to Sporting Glory by Titus O'Reily
- Book Review: All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton
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- Write Short Wednesday - I Can’t
- Book Review A Thoroughly Unhelpful History of Australian Sport by Titus O'Reily
- Write Short Wednesday - Clarity
- Write Short Wednesday - Together, Alone
- Book Review What I Found in a Thousand Towns: A Traveling Musician’s Guide to Rebuilding American’s Communities by Dar Williams
- Write Short Wednesday - Ageing Gracefully
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- Write Short Wednesday - Love in Your Heart
- Friday's Final Say - A Wise Old Owl
- Write Short Wednesday - This One Thing
- Friday's Final Say - Rick Warren and How Far
- Music Monday: My Favourite Albums for 2014
- Write Short Wednesday - When I Die
- Friday's Final Say - Socrates and Change
- Write Short Wednesday - Ms Lauryn Hill
- Friday's Final Say - Oscar Wilde and Time Alone
- Write Short Wednesday - The 1975
2014 November
- Write Short Wednesday - Clint's Backpack
- Friday's Final Say - Eisenhower on Urgency and Importance
- Why you should use social media to support your cause
- Write Short Wednesday - Tim Riggins
- Friday's Final Say - Unlearn the Lesson of Obedience
- Write Short Wednesday - Ambivalence
- Friday's Final Say - Mother Theresa and Giving Your Best
- Write Short Wednesday - Be A Voice. Not An Echo
- Friday's Final Say - C.S. Lewis, Goals and Dreams
2014 October
- Write Short Wednesday - Many People To Meet
- Friday's Final Say - Cherokee Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Nothing to Really Offer
- Friday's Final Say - Love in your Heart Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Most of the Time
- Friday's Final Say - Mark Twain & Days Quote
- Top 10 Tips for Online Etiquette by Leigh-Chantelle
- Write Short Wednesday - Time to Slow Down
- Friday's Final Say - Brian Tracy & Successful People Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - First Stop
- Friday's Final Say - Tina Fey & Yes Quote
2014 September
- Green Earth Group: The History 2009-2013 FREE eBook
- Write Short Wednesday - An Honest Day's Work
- Friday's Final Say - James Baldwin & Society Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Some Shade
- Friday's Final Say - Rumi & Fire Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - A Happy Tune
- Friday's Final Say - Sue Elliott & Chance Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - The Sun Will Melt
- Friday's Final Say - Faans Naz & Wants Quote
2014 August
- Friday's Final Say - Don't Wait Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Over 50 metres Out
- Friday's Final Say - Albert Einstein & Limits Quote
- Q&A with Leigh-Chantelle for There's A Vegan in the Kitchen
- Write Short Wednesday - So You Won't Be Alone
- Friday's Final Say - Earl Nightingale & Dreams Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Share New Sunsets
- Friday's Final Say - Love Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Everything Else
- Friday's Final Say - Louise Bernikow & Friendships Quote
2014 July
- Write Short Wednesday - On Another Plane
- Friday's Final Say - Ayn Rand & Stopping Quote
- Music Monday - What Remains EP featuring Doug de Jong (2009)
- Write Short Wednesday - Lunch in Battambang
- Marketing Yourself Using Social Media Talk & Workshop with Leigh-Chantelle
- Friday's Final Say - Do It Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Our Road Trips
- Friday's Final Say - Oscar Wilde & Love Quote
- Music Monday - Haim
- Write Short Wednesday - Just Get to Boulder
- Friday's Final Say - James Baldwin & Masks Quote
- Music Monday - The 1975
- There's a Vegan in the Kitchen... new recipe book out now!
- Write Short Wednesday - What More Do We Need?
2014 June
- Write Short Wednesday - All I Have
- Friday's Final Say - Benjamin Franklin & Writing Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - My Imagination
- Friday's Final Say - Audrey Hepburn & I Believe Quote
- Leigh-Chantelle interviewed by Victoria Moran, Main St Vegan
- Write Short Wednesday - With A Smile
- Friday's Final Say - George Carlin & Life Quote
- Music Monday - Inspiration Relocation EP (2002)
- Write Short Wednesday - Each Path on Offer
- 5th July Logan Artworkers Networking Events (LANE)
- Friday's Final Say - Mark Twain & Rules Quote
- Music Monday - Songs of Love, Heartbreak & Retribution EP (2006)
2014 May
- Friday's Final Say - Mark Twain & Priorities vs Options Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Your Hometown
- Friday's Final Say - Louisa May Alcott & Catalyst Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Not My Idea of a Good Time
- Friday's Final Say - Thich Nhat Hanh & Love Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - The Next Stop
- Friday's Final Say - James Baldwin & What We Are Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Fuel This Fire
- Friday's Final Say - Yes is More Quote
2014 April
- Write Short Wednesday - Sleepless
- Present This! Public Speaking Book
- Friday's Final Say - Henry Rollins & Travel Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Reminiscing
- Friday's Final Say - Be A Voice Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Guangzhon
- Friday's Final Say - John Peel & Vinyl Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Not-As-Far Away Places
- Friday's Final Say - Sam Levenson & Beauty Tips Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Battambang
2014 March
- Friday's Final Say - Alice Walker & Your Heart Quote
- Friday's Final Say - Charles Bruxton & Time Quote
- Which Side Podcast interview Leigh-Chantelle
- Friday's Final Say - Han Suyin & Gentleness Quote
- Jim Campbell interviews Leigh-Chantelle
- Write Short Wednesday - A Perfect Day
- Friday's Final Say - Robert Louis Stevenson & Harvest Quote
2014 February
- Friday's Final Say - Noah Porter & Focus Quote
- Speaking and Training with Leigh-Chantelle from Epicentre Equilibrium
- Friday's Final Say - Gabriel Garcia Marquez & Growing Old Quote
- Viva La Vegan! website
- Friday's Final Say - Hamerton & Happiness Quote
- Vegans Dating, Dating Vegans podcast for Vegan Radio
- Friday's Final Say - Francis Bacon & Opportunity Quote
2014 January
2013 December
2013 November
- Friday's Final Say - Charles Morgan & Knowledge Quote
- Friday's Final Say - Norman Vincent Peale & Thoughts Quote
- Green Earth Group Goodbye Picnic article - City North News
- Friday's Final Say - Marcel Proust & Discovery Quote
- Letter to a New Vegan by Leigh-Chantelle from Viva la Vegan!
- Catching up with Vida Vegan Alumni: Q&A with Leigh-Chantelle
- Friday's Final Say - T E Lawrence & Dreams Quote
- Viva la Vegan’s Cruelty Free Vegan Christmas Recipes e-book
- Friday's Final Say - Harriet Tubman & Change Quote
2013 October
2013 September
2013 August
- Friday's Final Say - Napoleon Hill & Thoughts Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - All That You Can Become
- Friday's Final Say - Michel de Montaigne & Wisdom Quote
- Friday's Final Say - Paul Bryant & Winning Quote
- Friday's Final Say - Democritus & Happiness Quote
- Top 10 Tips for Helping our Environment, Today
- Friday's Final Say - Napoleon Bonaparte & Leadership Quote
2013 July
- Videos of my Talks from Anti-Fur Society Conference
- Write Short Wednesday - Inner Tuition
- Article in the Examiner: Leigh-Chantelle & Vegan Evolution
- Friday's Final Say - B R Haydon & Self Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Cafe Domestic
- Friday's Final Say - Andre Gide & Focus Quote
- Staging Effective Events & Engaging Volunteers Video & Flyer
- Write Short Wednesday - Immigration
- Friday's Final Say - Albert Einstein & Imagination Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Arrivals Gate
- Friday's Final Say - Logan Pearsall Smith & Aims Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - A Question
2013 June
- Write Short Wednesday - What I Deem Necessary
- Friday's Final Say - Gandhi and Brotherhood Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Wailoaloa Beach
- Friday's Final Say - Arthur C Clarke & Possibilities Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Bula
- Friday's Final Say - John Quincy Adams & Leadership Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Come With Me
- Video Talks from Vida Vegan Con 2013
- Friday's Final Say - Josiah Gilbert Holland & Thoughts Quote
2013 May
- Friday's Final Say - Owen Feltham & Focus Quote
- Friday's Final Say - Martha Graham & Life Force Quote
- Friday's Final Say - Henry Ford & Thoughts Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Nephew
- Friday's Final Say - Goethe & Attraction Quote
- Interview with CHRY FM - Veganism & Commercialisation
- Write Short Wednesday - Raining in Fiji
- Friday's Final Say - Jawaharlal Nehru & Success Quote
2013 April
2013 March
- Friday's Final Say - C S Lewis & Another World Quote
- Music Monday - The Rosebud Film
- Write Short Wednesday - Bungalow Fan
- Friday's Final Say - Jim Rohn & Happiness Quote
- Music Monday - Laura Mvula
- Write Short Wednesday - Puppies
- Friday's Final Say - Herbert Otto & Change Quote
- Music Monday - Jane Horrocks & Little Voice
- Write Short Wednesday - My Morning
- Friday's Final Say - Jean de la Bruyere & Patience Quote
- Write Short Wednesday - Smiley Faces
- Handbook for the Aussie Vegan New Book
- Are Video Book Trailers an Essential Marketing Tool?
- Friday's Final Say - John B Gough & Success Quote
2013 February
- Friday's Final Say Quote - Muriel Rukeyser & Journey
- Write Short Wednesday - Batik
- Friday's Final Say - Be Kinder Than Necessary Quote
- Music Monday - Fun.
- Write Short Wednesday - The Smoking Rooms
- My South East Asia Adventures in Tweets
- Friday's Final Say - Martin Kornfeld & Random Kindness Quote
- Music Monday - Go With The Flow
- Write Short Wednesday - Massage Parlour Shower
- Articles, Media & Press from My Indonesian Travels
- Friday's Final Say - Ralph Waldo Emerson & Fear Quote
- Music Monday - As Cool As I Am
- Write Short Wednesday - Penang Airport
2013 January
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Nora Roberts & Moving Forward
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Margaret Mead & Changing the World
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - William James & The Mind
- Write Short Wednesday - Ubud Footpaths
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Benjamin Franklin on Life & Health
- Write Short Wednesday - Ubud Power
2012 December
2012 November
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Martin Luther King Jr & Time
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Elanor Roosevelt & Minds
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Raymond Charles Barker & Problem Solving
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Peter F Drucker & The Future
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Arthur Ashe & Greatness
2012 October
- Meet and Greet with Leigh-Chantelle in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Benjamin Franklin & Giving
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Henry Van Dyke & Talent
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Dale Carnedie & Contact with Others
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Edmund Burke & Doing
2012 September
2012 August
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Rita Mae Brown & Creativity
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Elie Wiesel & Protest
- My USA Adventures - The Book by Leigh-Chantelle out now
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Dar Williams & Luck
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Benjamin Franklin & Learning
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - George Bernard Shaw & Imagination
2012 July
- Top 10 Tips for Optimal Health on a Vegan Diet
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Lao Tzu & Dreams
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Anne Frank & Improvement
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - John Woodon & Doing
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Benjamin Franklin & Unwillingness
- What Do Vegans Eat? the NEW Book by Leigh-Chantelle
2012 June
2012 May
2012 April
2012 March
2012 February
2012 January
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Victor Hugo & taking flight
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Anatole France & Accomplishment
- Heather Lounsbury interviews Leigh-Chantelle
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Steve Jobs & Courage
- Love Us by not Eating Us - Art as Activism
- Inspirational Quote for the Week - Believe in Yourself
2011 December
2011 November
2011 October
2011 September
2011 August
2011 July
2011 March
2010 December
2010 November
2010 October
2010 September
2010 July
2010 June
2010 May
2010 March
2010 February
2010 January
2009 December
2009 August
2009 February
2008 December
2008 October
2008 May
2007 June
2006 May
2003 November
2002 May