

As you might know, I am in the last year of my PhD, which I have worked on since February 2021. I'm up to my last study, which examines Australian views on future mobility, including autonomous and electric vehicles. If you are 18 years old or over...

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I gave a presentation about my PhD and the findings from my focus groups this week at the Australian Electric Vehicle Association (AEVA) Queensland branch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQgqVQqcPkw Watch the Video on YouTube You can see the fu...

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Welcome to another year of incredible music! Here are my favourite albums and music of the year in lettering form: I always get my music from Bandcamp, AudioTree, YouTube Music, and FluxBlog. I also love NRP's TIny Desk sessions and KEXP sessions....

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Here are my suggestions for your Summer (Winter) reading from the books I've read over the past few months, as pictured here: "The House That Joy Built: The Pleasure & Power of Giving Ourselves Permission to Create" by Australian author Holly ...

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I presented my Thesis Candidature Review Milestone (TCRM) on Friday, titled Exploring Sociotechnical Factors Impacting the Autonomous Vehicle Rollout in Australia. Here's the blurb: As part of my PhD, we must present where we are and what will com...

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I was part of a series of Focus Group Workshops organised by Researcher Education and Development (RED) at Griffith University that were delivered last week. Professor Barbara Pini and Doctor Judy Rose delivered the first workshop, An Overview of ...

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Today, the second publication for my honours (2020) - looking at how preschoolers engage with a social robot (NAO) vs a human instructor - was published in a quartile-one journal! "Preschool children's engagement with a social robot compared to a ...

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I gave an award-winning (!) presentation at the Thematic Analysis in Mixed Methods Mini-Symposium today online for Griffith University. The full title is A Visual Guide on Using the Braun and Clarke 6-Phase Process for Thematic Analysis to Identify ...

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Response Ability Responsibility Leigh Chantelle
It's been a challenging year, correct? No matter what has been going on for you and those around you, I assure you that EVERYONE has had some big challenges this year. Whether it's floods, fire, (famine!), COVID, family health or deaths, wars, cari...

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Leigh chantelles Favourite Music for 2022
Another year of some great music. Other than all the Afro-pop songs I've been listening to, here are my favourite albums of 2022. (I've listed them in lettering format this year as I am in the midst of collating transcriptions for my PhD focus gro...

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Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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