

mediterranean pizza
Ingredients: 1 pizza base 2 tomatoes, diced ¼ cup of basil leaves, oregano and other herbs ⅛ cup sesame seeds Kingland soy cream cheese (or Tofutti) Cracked black pepper   Method: Mix tomatoes, herbs and sesame seeds together in bowl, drain off ...

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Leigh Chantelles Fave Music for 2015
I didn't have time to write a blog about my favourite music this year, so here's a visual: What have you loved this year? Save

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blendtec to wet chop
Ingredients: 2 cups of Cabbage / 2 carrots / 1 large zucchini (courgette)   Method: Add vegetables to Blendtec Blender jar Fill water to cover Press Pulse 8+ times until texture is right Pour into strainer and drain water off Use in stir fries   ...

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spiced fig smoothie
Ingredients: 1 cup brown rice milk (or another cruelty-free milk eg my Hemp Milk) or more if you don't like a thickshake-like consistency 10 figs 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg 1 frozen banana   Method: Blend all together - I use my Blendtec blender D...

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mango raspberry smoothie
Ingredients: 2 cups coconut water 2 mangoes (frozen) 1 cup raspberries 1 lime hemp seeds for decoration   Method: Put all ingredients into a blender - I use my Blendtec blender Blend. Sprinkle with hemp seeds to serve   Serves 3-4 people   Watch ...

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raw lasagne
Ingredients: 1 zucchini (courgette), sliced with vegetable peeler 1 carrot, sliced with vegetable peeler Spinach leaves 1 ½ cup macadamia nuts, processed or cut up finely a handful of parsley, coarsely chopped a handful of coriander, coarsely chopp...

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raw almond milk
Ingredients: 1 cup almonds, soaked overnight (or for at least an hour) 3 cups filtered water (use 2 cups if you like thicker milk)   Method: Blend together in food processor or high-speed blender Strain if needed in bowl with muslin cloth over the...

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kale salad
Ingredients: 2 kale leaves, torn apart ½ mango, diced (use juice as well) ½ avocado, diced ¼ cup raisins ¼ cup Pura Veda mix 2 asparagus spears, cut longwise ¼ cup cooked red kidney beans   Method: Combine all ingredients into bowl/s Mix well ...

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Sweet Potato Pumpkin Chips
Ingredients: ½ sweet potato ¼ pumpkin Oregano Basil Black pepper 2 tblsp olive oil   Method: Pre-heat oven to 150°C (300°F) Using a peeler, peel both vegetables to get the chips On a lined baking tray, sprinkle a bit of each herb and add the oi...

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kale quinoa falafel salad
Ingredients: 6 cooked falafel balls, crumbed I bunch kale leaves, chopped 1 cup cooked black and white quinoa mix 1 mango, diced (use juice as well) 2 avocados, diced 6-8 strawberries, diced ½ cup Pura Veda mix 1 bunch of asparagus spears, cut leng...

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Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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